Monday, October 27, 2008

Saturday, Oct. 11

Dad in the Duckswamp, Just Before Dawn

Despite seeing no birds yesterday, we had to try 'em at least once in the early season. Dad and I hunted Edward's. Heard just a few Woodies squealing. Saw one lone duck about dawn and quit early.....still worth the trip. I wonder if the lack of ducks up here has anything to do with the water being back to regular levels in the lake...dunno.

Dad, Will, Willie, John, at the End of the Day

Switched gears for the afternoon. Will and Willie arrived in time for a dove hunt in the sunflower field, which is pretty picked over. Saw very few doves. I shot at one and thought I missed. Saw Will walk over under the sycamore. Turns out I hit the bird and it went into the tree. Will said it hopped up and down for several seconds and fell out of the tree. Flip got the bird up and it flew across the pond, where he hunted hard and made a good retrieve.

Things were so slow we traded guns for fishing poles. I hooked a big bass, but lost him at my feet while trying to lip him out of the moss at the bank. Oh well.

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