Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday, Sept 20 DU Banquet

The Louisa DU banquet was Saturday. Everybody had a good time. For Amy and me, it was nice to be able to sit and enjoy "chairman" duties. Andy and Troy put on a good event. Helping without interfering was tough.....if you hand over the reigns, you've got to let go. Finally winning a Benelli raffle and watching Arlene's reaction to the "raffle girl" made the evening.

The crowd was a little thin and prices in the auction were down some. The media frenzy over the Wall Street meltdown probably didn't help. I felt for Andy a little, but as I told prepare and plan....then it's banquet night. Let the chips fall and send the check to DU. We have no control over some things.

As pressure continues to mount to plow up and develop wetlands, the need remains for support. If you couldn't make the banquet, you can still lend a hand. Every dollar helps.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Friday, Sept. 19

Called Dad, who said there'd finally been more birds in the sunflowers. Drove out for an impromptu hunt, arriving at 4:15 and hunted until about 5:30. Fall weather's arrived, along with big flocks......ten to twenty at a crack. The shooting was fast and so was the wind. We each lost several dead into the treeline....shot at thirty yards and windblown into the trees behind us. Since I was rushed to get to Goldmine, I left Flip in the pen. Croc pulled double duty picking up for both of us. On the way back I noticed the dogwoods were just taking on some color. Fall will be in full swing soon.

benelli and dove



Wednesday, September 10, 2008


No hunting last weekend......Tropical Storm Hanna rained us out. Question is, did she move the birds out? We'll see this week.

Shot in the Twyman Open at the club instead. Those were some nasty birds Saturday. Can you say 79 in the .410? Sheesh!

Till next time......


Thursday, September 4, 2008

September 3

Storm's coming. With Hurricane Hannah threatening for the weekend, Dad decided to hunt today rather than resting the field till Saturday. We hunted from about four to six. Still slow. I stood and watched the doves piling into the uncut part of the church pasture....landing on the sunflower stalks in the thick stuff instead of coming up the hill to the mowed part. Interesting.

Dad killed a fat pigeon. Asked if it counted as two doves since it was so big, or as none. "Whatever you want it to count as, I guess." I killed eight doves.

No pics today....forgot the camera. Gave half the dove breasts to John and Shelby. Never saw any more of the pigeon....mebbe Croc ate it.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Opening Day

What a great day! Cool enough to be comfortable in the shade....that's a switch. Awesome company.......
  • Christiane's first dove hunt, in the shade with Cris in the 'hot' corner;
  • Jay and Kathy, unfettered by obligations and savoring retirement time;
  • Larry's first dove hunt in years, 196 days and a wake-up to retirement;
  • Bill and Greg with the human retrievers Robert and Tyler;
  • Neighbor Brian with daughter Courtney and trusty Buttercup;
  • Ed from church;
  • Kurt, Dad and I representing our clan;
  • Croc and Flip doing better than average for an opener.

The birds were slow; Colemans' started chopping corn. Dunno, maybe that pulled the birds some. Everybody got some shooting; we cleaned and grilled maybe thirty birds. We'll rest the field and try again Saturday if the storms allow. Missed Will and his boys.....they'll be along Saturday.


Larry, Kurt, Kathy, Jay

Bill and Robert


Little Barn